27 December 2006

Bukit Gasing and Karaoke

Just went to Gasing Hill on Christmas Day. Body still
aching after 2 days. A lot of Denais. Can go in from
Jalan Telok, just after the Chinese temple on Jln

Went to the same Karaoke twice on eve and chirstmas
day! 1st time with PF and seconf time with YJH.

I think I am a bit too 'kun-chiong' on PF, as asking her
how come I cannot see her more. Somehow PF likes that :D
I am 'kun-chiong' her.

22 December 2006

Time Person of the Year 2006

Bought the Magezine this afternoon. Did not know blogs and youtube got so much impact on us! It's a new kind of revolution, called the Web 2.0 by Sillicon Valley now!

Got to finnish reading that Mag. Long live WebBlog!

Rosetta Stone DVD

Also bought Rosetta Stone DVD yesterday. This morning try to learn Swahilli and Hindi. Found out Swahilli is easier to learn than Hindi! But where in the world going to use Swahilli here, in M'sia? Unless I work in UN or get a job in the consulate.

Just did another TTE and 4 clubs joint meeting last night

2nd time being the TTE last nite! So excited!

Exchanged a gift (a book) from Chris. Nice gift!

L.O.W from maicsa asked me how come I am still a TM, and not CC yet? I am just too lazy...

Plan to do number 9 on Jan 8th 2007.

How I wish PF can show up yesterday... She's down with fever anyway... got to call her later.

16 December 2006

Time to leave...

I am piss off when

1. B commented how I answer and make calls during office hour!
2. B wanted us to log in every single little things that we did during office hour!
3. B cursing and making uncomfortable sexual remarks on all of us!

I have decided to leave this company.

12 December 2006

PA and wife separated

After last nite TM meeting, bump into PA in MidValley. When ask about wife, he told me wife and him separated!

How can this happen! PA is such a sweet guy!

PA is my team member during my Uni Project, and he's the one who inspire me to continue to go on with myProject!

I cannot forget what he told me that nite, that because of my stubbourness, my persistent in that Uni Project, all the other Uni mates changed thier mind (All the while my Uni Friends thought that I am a stuck-up person.) - and found out that I am actually a very down to earth fella! :)

Pity PA have to suffer...

Humor Master and Table Topic Evaluator

I am both the Humor Master and Table Topic Evaluator last nite! First time being a TTE!

Humor Master I talk about how to make funny faces out of a Teddy Bear, and how to make the Giveaway of the bear to the sweetheart more exciting. I use the TimeKeeper as my 'Sweetheart', because I always like to make fun of the Time Machine :D

It was an enjoyable evening to me :)

10 December 2006

wait PF for 1 week

Agree with PF that we should not contact each other for one week, because we feel we're going to fast!

Already invited her to tomorrow's TM meeting, I am the humour master tomorrow. But I still wish she'll show up tomorrow.

01 December 2006

Triumph in the Skies and Bill Cosby:Himself

Downloaded a few of the TVB series' 'Triumph in the Skies' clips from YouTube.
Mostly about Sam and Zoe. A lot touching moments between the 2. I should get it in DVD format and see the whole thing again.

Also downloaded some clips on Bill's 'Himself'. He's very funny! :D Cannot stop laughing even after that. Learn a few tips from the clip.

29 November 2006

No Flower, buy Choc

After tele conversation with PF last Friday nite, feel like want to buy her flowers on Sat...

Went to the same flower shop where I bought my ex-gf flower but the shop close down already! No choice, short of time too, just go back to TW shop and bought her a bar of Choc.

On Saturday, when to see a movie. She really cheer me up! :)

Surprise she call me when I walk into my bedroom that nite! :)

I want us to know each either slowly first, because I feel like we're going too fast!

I wonder if people who is fated together is like that... going so fast!

21 November 2006

Meet PF, Round 2

Met PF again last Sunday. :)

We found out that:

1. she likes to jog in the same place I jog every Sunday 7am.
2. Work in an office just one floor below my first company.
3. Join a Mandarin TM before.
4. Join the same school 20 years ago.

I think our relationship was made in heaven, or she's my long lost twin sister! :)

SQC Workshop

Learn from SQC workshop last Sunday on how to get subsricbers.

1. Emphatize.2. Ask question.3. Resolve.4. Close.

The workshop also teach us how to listen, and I learn a lot from the workshop.

I even do some evaluation on some of the speakers, with TM style! :)

I think I can use what I learn from TM and in TM, I can use what I learned from SQC :)

Speed Dating and PF

Met up with PF in a speed dating 2 weeks ago.

At first I did not recognize her.

She keep on asking questions about my high school, at first, because she was skeptical, trying to figure out if we are from the same class before.

I was annoyed when she keep on asking me about my high school!

Later we all broke into laughter when she mentioned that only after 20 year we met each other again!

10 November 2006

I am the TME on Monday 13/11/2006

The theme for coming TM meeting is "Let's make it Big." The theme made makes my hands very itchy because I want to 'make it Big' - make big money! I want to gamble and make big money!

I think giving a speech on stage is like gambling too. We will not know what is the reaction of your audience, wheather they will like your speech or not. But at least we are not loosing any money, when we gamble on stage! :)

In toastmasters, we are all winners! Think of the valuable feedback we will get! It's priceless!

06 November 2006

I am proud of my Parents!

They have proved them wrong!

My parents join a choir about a year ago. The turnout for the choir training very bad, every week. The chairman wanted to abandon the choir long time ago.

But my parents and the rest of the members presist that the choir must go on! They manage recruit a lot of new members at the end; about 40, and they did a fantastic performance last Saturday!

From their singing, I can here they had been trained well by the teacher. They sang from the stomach, not from the troat!

I am proud of my parents! Bravo to them! :)

01 November 2006

Another 20-30 pages to Freedom

Got to finish the book, a long walk to freedom by Mandela; since I have some free time.

Nice book, even got a lot of sense of humour, etc.

16 October 2006

Advice from my Dad

After I work for a few years, I remember my dad advice me to find a company which do business which can supply infinite income to my pay cheque; example, A company which can supply basic necessity for mankind. Basic necessity like food, shelter and clothing.

A company that produce rice, sugar, flour etc. is consider a stable company.

But since the 'layoff' hot period during the early 2000, I don't think joining a company, with stable income is a good idea anymore.

I think we need a tool to get income. Just like what Kiyosaki taught us - our brain! Like what he advice us, we should always use our brain power to get money. His book really change my thinking of how we should handle money. Now I understand.

Rich and Poor Dads

Finished reading Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad; which I have to put Nelson Mandela's Long Walk of freedom on hold for a while. Saki's book remind me of Dal's 'hate' email (written in my blog a few days ago.) She's right when she said, as an employee, we're all spending our time and making money for the employer we served. This is what Kiyosaki called a 'RatRace'. In the book, he want us to break away from this cycle of rat race. Offered a few advice.

I like the part When Dal mentioned how one of her colleague, believe that a certifacate is more important then attending workshops. Maybe her colleague think that it is more marketable, if one move to another company.

If you get a certificate, you only get what you learn in a classroom, learn the theories. However, you don't have real life expereince.

If you attended a workshop, you get the instrctor to simulate the problem, right in front of your eyes, probably you will not understand or understand very little; about the theories, at the moment.

Who should an employer hire? Depends on how much the employer know about the knowldge or expertise of the skill involve.

An Employer can access the candidate by hiring another expert in the field to access the knowledge of the candidate. That's what I did once, for free for one of my friend, looking for an Oracle Forms and Reports.

One should look for a interest group that can both share knowledge and experience together. I think Toastmasters is one of such program.

I wish someone one day can form an Oracle Users Group here.

11 October 2006

Mandela and Gandhi

Reading Mandela's autobiography, Long walk to freedom, now.

I really like his usage of English words, I remember the first time I read his writings from the TIME magazine 'Person of the Century" edition, he likes to mix simple and difficult words together ... he wrote something like " constitution and guns " ... something like that.

Can't wait to go back and continue his book. A lot of times about his struggle as a Freedom Fighter, compare to Malcom X autobiography, he's book is 'less hate' sentences or sometimes I don't feel any 'hate' words at all. I see a lot of struggle in his book, and he uses a lot of laymen's term, I think. Easy to understand...

Gandhi inspired him. I quickly go and watch the VCD which I bought since 1999 last Saturday! His story is also very inspiring! How he try to defy the British, The walk to ??? to make salt.
Bapuji Gandhi!

One day I am going to make a speech about them :)

10 October 2006

Top-N, Rank() and Partition

To get Top-N, and rank; Can do this:

SELECT b.ap_prog_code, b.dealer_code, b.no_of_outlets, b.trans_Date,
rank() OVER
PARTITION BY b.ap_prog_code, b.dealer_code
ORDER BY trans_Date DESC
) rank_date
WHERE rank_date = 1

Sifu will not teach ... the decipel will kill the Sifu!

[ Inspired by Dal 'hate mail' to B, B reluctant to help Dal. ]

I had join both Software house (SH) like Unidata and End User (EU) like Motorola before. I had heard stories, opinions from my IT friends about both SB and EU camps, and here are the differences:

SH :
1. Have more pioneer spirits, like to explore New stuff, R&D.
2. More knowledge sharing among the IT staff.
3. Less Ego, because of No. 2 above.
4. Prefer small to medium company.
5. Business not stable, depends on the other industries, need to get projects from EUs, both govt and private.

EU :
1. Stress More on their 'core' business, like Motorola more on thier chips, (now mobile phone), like DiGi, more on the Telco business.
2. IT projects more sub-contract to SH.
3. Small to huge coporation.
4. Business more stable then SH.
5. Less knowledge sharing among IT. I have not find one big company that have the same camadarie as a SH, please let me know if you find one. I am still looking for this Mecca!
6. Bigger Ego, because everyone want's to climb up the coporate ladder. Join big company, Show BIG name in front of others. ("Do you know my son-in-law is an Engineer with DiGi/ Motorola/ Maybank?")
7. This is from number 5 and 6. The more expereince, the longer the person work in IT, the less he wants to share with you, I found out. Unless you are equally experience as the other, like Haro*. Hali* and Fu.

I did a speech about Kitty Genovese a few weeks ago. Her murder case was use as a case study by professors to study human behavior, why we never help anyone even if we know a friend, neighbour very well? What happen to Alturism?

Why we don't like to share our knowledge with others?

Haro*, Hali* and Fu has these kind of thinking: "If I teach you everything, you had learn everything from me, you are better than me, and the boss will promote you, pay you more instead of me..."

Typical Chinese thinking "The Sifu will not teach you everything, if he does, the decipel will kill the Sifu!"

We want to give because we want to be happy. Sharing Knowledge with others is also an act of kindness. We need happiness, and an act of kindness is one of them, (article from StarMag 08/10/2006 FitForLife Page 8.)

That's why I join Toastmasters! :)

07 October 2006

Make Oracle Autostart Database

Use to see my DBA create the Autostart feature for Unix boxes, never do this before. Last few days however I took the courage to do 'Autostart' in my office's HP-UX box. Here's what I did,

1. look for oratab file, which is in /etc/oratab. Modify the file.
2. create a dbora file, which is in the /sbin/init.d/ directory.
3. chmod 755 dbora
4. chgrp dba dbora (change group to DBA)
5. Do a symbolic link: (login as root)
# ln -s /sbin/init.d/dbora /etc/rc0.d/K10dbora
# ln -s /sbin/init.d/dbora /etc/rc3.d/S99dbora

Use www.unixguide.net as a reference for different flavour of Unix.

02 October 2006

Attended a Internet Marketing Interest Group last Friday

Attended a Internet Marketing Interest Group last Friday. I think they do it like a toastmasters club. Joining fee is US$260, and these guys are willing to help you to setup your own website, give advice etc. Still wonder it worthwhile for me to join this group?

Sit down last night and try to figure out what should I do in my life. Write down a few stuff in a paper, and come out with this few things:

Career: My job, Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, etc

Hobbies: Hobby 1, Hobby 2, Hobby 3, etc

Feel like there are a lot of things to learn and do in life!

27 September 2006

I still owe the government 3302.61 since 2003

I still owe the government 3302.61 since 2003 in income tax. Must use Public Bank or BMB to pay. Must check every year. Don't want to accumulate, if not get penalty susah lah!

26 September 2006

Completed #7

Just finished my #7 Speech. Did not prepare too well. I think I am a bit too hard on the audience, too serious I am I think. I think I should do something less serious ones.

22 September 2006

cannot give anymore.

Just migrated data to one of K*** sub-module a few months ago and they want us to migrate again just because they mix up the old and the new records! And now they want us to change to migration script.

Mana Boleh! We only fix bug! We don't do another round of migration!

Who's going to pay us?

plsql tuning in DiG* and Installation dinner

Still have so much to learn in Oracle. Never regrets to learn from Bob.

My club is losing a valuable member because she got other commitment. Hope she'll be back someday.

15 September 2006

Change #7 and Oracle_Home

I decided to change my #7. Change to Alturism. Asmov 3 laws is just too hard to make it to the objective of the speech.

Oracle_home made a big problem to my sql*plus to another notebook today. Just temporary take it out.

Cousin is coming today from Canada, and suppose to take him out tommorrow. Where should I bring him? Lazy.

14 September 2006

Oracle SQL amd PLSQL training in KT

Oh dear! The KT staff is doing thier work on and off during the training! I cannot concentrate finishing the training! I did skip a few chapters here and there.

There's one staff who really doesn't have the passion and enthusiasm to learn. I do not know how to keep him interest in the subject!

Today is the last day of the training.

09 September 2006

Oracle-SQL-PLSQL Training on Monday for KT

"I dont know what to say really. Three minutes to the biggest battle of our professional lives. All comes down to today, and either, we heal as a team, or we're gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play. Until we're finished." --Al Pacino 'Any Given Sunday'

Monday is another big day for me because of this KT training. A 4-days training. The biggest challenge for me is the materials that I have in my hands. They are not written by me.

And I only have 1 and a half days to read it thru.

I have take a leap of faith again!

08 September 2006

Attended S.Fernando Humor Workshop

Finally I get a chance to see S.Fernando in action yesterday! He's just an ordinary guy on the street if you look at him but once he get on to the stage, he can really FLY!He says that if we wanna do humor, we should start 'collecting' jokes and laugh at ourselves (bold, grey hair, dumb) first.I wake up this morning and I started to see a lot of jokes, funny things around me. How come I never see all this before?

Surprise to see Levi*** in the MII Club! It's a small world!

06 September 2006

I make it to 2nd place in HS&SE Area W5 Contest 2006

Only 3 of us contesting in the HS&SE Area W5 Contest. I make it to number 2, lost to YWYip and SQuah unfortunately disqualify because over time!

YWY id good! He used an umbrella and a chair as prop. Stand on the chair sit on the chair, all sorts of stuff he did! I think he should take into consideration of the time. Because if he's going to get a Big crowd who cannot stop laughing, he maybe a bit over time. Remember to cater for the time. Some "laughing time".

SQuah did ok too. But I think he took some materials from the Star paper. I wonder if he's pragiarizing (sorry for the spelling), "The man .. woman" in the "Mind your English" section a few days ago. I miss that.

As for me, I think my voice is just too loud and strong, and monotonous. Need to work more on my vocal variety. Thank you for the Toastmaster who gave me advice. Don't know his name...

Lim got no. 3 in evaluation. Bravo to him becuase is his 1st time. Surprise Vinc H** lost to HSBC guy. HSBC guy, I think win because he got more friendly face.

So far the best evaluator I heard is from Tmn Indrahana. She can make you like she's part of the spekers' speech. I don't know how he did it, but she is good.

31 August 2006

31st Ogos 2006

Hari in hari Kebangsaan negara kita Malaysia!

Setiap kali hari kebangsaan, saya akan mengingati masa kita memenangi Piala Thomas Cup 1992. Tapi tahukan anda, bagaimana pasukan kita menjadi juara pada tahun 1992? Saya rasa semuanya bermula dari tahun 1988, dimana kita dapat mengalahkan Indonesia dalam perlawanan separuh akhir, 3-2!

Walaupun kita tidak dapat menjuarai Piala Thomas 1988, tetapi saya rasa pasukan badminton kita sedikit sebanyak dapat membangunkan perasaan 'ingin menjadi Juara'; tidak lagi tertinggal dalam Dunia Badminton (Masa itu kita sering kalah kepada Cina, Indonesia dan Denmark dalam apa jua perlawanan.) .....

"Untukmu Malaysia yang tercinta! Untukmu Mengorban apa saja! "

Michael is very funny!

Last Monday's meeting we have one guest from MIHRM and he's the most funny speaker we had in the meeting! I hope I can go to his club tommorrow nite and see him in action again. Bravo to Michael! :)

How you can keep a poker face while giving humor?

A lot of people ask me how I can give a poker face while giving 'humor'?

I don't really know! Maybe it's because of my phobia. The scared to go out phobia. It's in my grand aunty in Vietnam, and my own grand mother. Some how I got the gene. And I am not sure how to communicate with a 'human'.

Because of that, somehow my human comm. skill still in some 'infancy' period. Still like a kid, I think. And because kids are sooo honest, and straight forward, and we adults think that is funny, some how I got this humor in me.

I call it a kids humor.

26 August 2006


MK recomended me to use this wmqtool to access the MQ Server, and it works like magic! Good tool!

Attended Indrahana Humor Contest 2006

Last Tuesday attended Indrahana HS&SE contest. I like the champ Dominic. Can't remember the exact title. He talk about how we M'sian should sometimes be a bit rude, if we see another person not behaving correctly.

It's true that I only can remember what he did in the speech, like taking out the handkerchief, taking out the tiger balm, but cannot remember the content.

But from these actions, I can remember the speech and the message. Amazing!

21 August 2006

Had one beer only.

Had one beer last nite. Can sleep like a baby, but when come to morning, I am very tired. Only one beer and I feel tired. What's wrong with me?

Just gave Oracle exception handling training to my own people

Always forget. When there's an error in the 'Declare' section, the error will be propagate to the external procedure.

19 August 2006

Asimov 25 books in zip file

Use ares and found a collection of 25 Asimov books! But still no The Complete Robot. Where to look for it?

17 August 2006

Ideas on Speech #7

Last nite, somehow I have an idea for speech #7. I am going to talk about 'the 3 laws of robotics'. I took my favourite Asimov novel out, 'I, Robot', go thru the short story, 'Runaround' and have a few ideas in my mind already :) I am ready to rock-and-roll again, with my #7! :)

Need to figure out how to make it a speech, instead of a written story, that's a big challenge.

16 August 2006

First time take away in Sri Petaling

Malu betul. Stay in Vista already 3 years but only last nite go take away in Sri Petaling! Some more don't know is pasar malam there!

Talk to D*** and know that a lot of people go crazy when they want food! I don't really understand why we're so crazy for food?

I think is difficult to control urge for food, most of us.


I try to create an exception in the C***Q project, where I want to detect what happen if the network suddenly gone down. I simulate this by unplugging the network cable but some how, the program will no go to the 'exception when others handler' !?

The program is calling a DBLink and whenever it hits a 'commit' or 'rollback', some how it will fail even exception handler will not capture the error.

After a few hours, I found out that I should call another procedure and issue a 'pragma autonomous transaction' to counter DBLink's commit or rollback.

Some how the exception was handled perfectly! :) This is useful especially when we want to write an error log into one of the exception table. example:

some call dblink
pi_err_message := SQLERRM;
po_err_message := SQLERRM;
PROCEDURE pr_cust_exception(pi_err_message IN VARCHAR2) IS
ROLLBACK; -- this rollback will not rollback any main's DML::
I try to create an exception in the C***Q project, where I want to detect what happen if the network suddenly gone down. I simulate this by unplugging the network cable but some how, the program will no go to the 'exception when others handler' !?

The program is calling a DBLink and whenever it hits a 'commit' or 'rollback', some how it will fail even exception handler will not capture the error.

After a few hours, I found out that I should call another procedure and issue a 'pragma autonomous transaction' to counter DBLink's commit or rollback.

Some how the exception was handled perfectly! :) This is useful especially when we want to write an error log into one of the exception table. example:

some call dblink
pi_err_message := SQLERRM;
po_err_message := SQLERRM;
PROCEDURE pr_cust_exception(pi_err_message IN VARCHAR2) IS
ROLLBACK; -- this rollback will not rollback any main's DML::

I finish speech #6

I finish speech #6 last Monday in 6:56 minutes. But pathetic during the meeting because only 11 of us turn up! However I think we have a terrific meeting because a lot of humour able TM during the meeting.

Need more practise on my vocal variety. My evalutor says that I should 'raise' my voice up again, when I want to go from one point to another, just to grab the attention of the audience.

Can't wait for 4th Sept.

08 August 2006

My Speech No 6.

OK. I think my 6 is more funny than 5. I'll use 6 as my contest. I am going to try it out on Next Monday!

My 6 is actually an inspiration of what I did on the table topic contest in March this year, topic is "I want to win..." In the speech I talk about my addiction, Addicted to computer games.

I'll use 'Confession of an addict on the 3rd rock from the Sun." as my speech topic.

I talk about how I become an addict, how I discover I have waste time of becoming one, and how I should quit, etc.

Did not run Startup Migrate

I did not run a catpatch.sql after I upgrade from Oracle to !

When I do a catexp.sql, the database lock some tables. I panic!

Luckily we have a DBA in the house. He found out I forgot to run catpatch and I run it. It works like a charm now...

25 July 2006

Humorus Contest 2006

I am going for Humorous speech contest on 4th Sept. But first I have to do speech No. 6 first because minimum requirement to do contest is to do at least 6 speeches... After the 6, I will ask my EXCOs to pick up my most humours speeche either between 5th or 6th to use it for contest.

My 6th will be about my Computer Game Addiction.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Another life embarassing moment happened to me last Sunday. I was short of $ when I want to pay dinner for 4 of us (1 guy and 3 girls)! Cost $67, and I only got $35! I thought I heard $17 so pay $20 but the girl beside me, M** :) pay another $50.... Oh Dear! I am so embarassing!

Hopefully I can still call her out later :(

SMS to her yesterday but no reply :(

Never go out with girls with empty $ - Rule No. 2 when go dating!

17 July 2006

How to do the Object Library?

I have a big headache here! the K*** project object library is all screw up! It's shared by 8 modules and each components is not refereing back to the project object library!

How to make it a 'whole' again?

11 July 2006

Now is .NET and PG4MQ conflict!

Try to for PG4MQ gateway with a .NET application, gateway having conflicts with .NET oracle components.

Maybe a tnsnames or listnener problem. Not sure yet.


Thank god I solve the problem 2 weeks later. Problem with the path. The PATH should call ora9i first before calling 10gr2, because suppose to pick up ora9i libraries, not 10gr2.

06 July 2006

So many things I can do

Last Saturday COT training has come out with a VPPR list. Should I give suggestion to form another Yahoogroups? It doesn't last long sometimes. Wonder good Idea to do?

01 July 2006

Sometimes you do not know what is your priority in life...

When the students of LB ask me how to juggle between thier studies, work, etc. I always ask them to look at what is thier initial plan to come here, Malaysia?

Thier priority here is to study. If they can get extra money, it's a bonus!

But sometimes... I do not know my own priority.

30 June 2006

32 bit or 64 bit ?

How to know if your are running 32 or 64 bit windows? Look at the environment variables:

Environment Variable \ Program Bitness : PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE
32bit Native : x86
64bit Native : AMD64 or IA64
WOW64 : x86

Environment Variable \ Program Bitness :PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432
32bit Native : undefined
64bit Native : undefined
WOW64 : AMD64

29 June 2006

Another New Project and J* in TM

Just discuss with 2 old ex-collegues. Going to put thumb print and photos in application. Need to do a Proof of Concept 1st. Need New machine to do PoC. Also need time. Where to find time?

Saturday got COT for TM. 1.30 to 6pm, also, where to find time?

Just found out J* just join TM in Digi. Surprise she joint.

27 June 2006

TME No.3 and The girl

I just did TME the third time yesterday. Talking about the ThosaiMaster joke. The GE said that I did it too long. I should just do one liner, and that's enough!

I invited her to my meeting. By the way, I ask her out on saturday, and we had dinner, movie, and starbucks! It's a great time with her!

After the meeting, I feel like I want to talk to her more, but because it's late, and the time, etc. etc. feel like want to take her home and take care of her... Same feeling I had with my 1st one.

Wonder how she feel about me? Wonder I am getting the wrong signal? She likes me because I am a Toastmaster, or the real me?

22 June 2006

TME Next Monday!

I am the TME for next Monday! I am going to talk about ThosaiMaster this time! :)

How to check what's inside an Oracle dump file.

This is just a reminder for me, always forget how to check an oracle dump file.

imp userid=username/passwd@sid rows=n full=y file=the_dump.dmp show=y indexfile=the_dump.txt

MQ and Oracle

Finaly I know how to install MQ and Oracle! When I install MQServer, I should have uninstall MQClient first but instead I install MQServer in the same directory as MQCleint! What a big mistake I made! This only found out by Oracle Support later...

This should be the sequence:

1) MQClient or Server
2) Install Database
3)Install Gateway

11 June 2006

3options and CMA -> MQ

I found out 3 options to connect to the MQ.

1. Use a 'host' command: amqsput Q1 QM_APPLE < a.text
but using amqsputc only allow 100 characters! and somemore Host command

Finally Oracle Support give me a solution on how to do a CMA->MQ, (last Thursday)! But I can only do this on my PC, OracleHome9.2.0.7, OracleGateway9.2.0.7, and IBM MQ Series V6.

Also found out that:

1. the Gateway executable is in the Oracle_Gateway_Home\bin\pg4mqc92, not in oracle_gateway_home\pg4mqseries\bin as describe in the docs

2. The Gateway should install separately from the Oracle Database Home.

3. Need to use a different port, NOT the database port 1521. Using 1522 for the Gateway!

Try to do it on my customer site but failed. I also found out that the OracleListenere in the System Control Panel can give login name and password. Really learn a lot from this project :)

29 May 2006

TM meeting, Dell, and CMA->MQ

Long time never update. keep on forgetting.

First time do a humorous soeech no one laugh! I talk about T-Shirt wear inside out and backward front!

Got Dell new notebook with duo core T2300, 1.6 Mhz. cost $4800. Manage to sell my old compaq for $1500. good deal?

CMA->MQ project big headache. What to do?

**** introduce new girl *** to me. Surprise she's an ex-TM !
I think she's very nice. must get to know her more!

29 April 2006

Getting a Dell Duo Core

I just order online from Dell a Duo core yesterday! I decide to put 15G for WinXP alone, 20G for Linux and the rest is just pure data. Figure out a way to run WinXP and Linux at the same time... VMware can do or not?

22 April 2006

Another Invocation on Monday.

Wrote another Invo on Monday but not sure can make it or not because got meeting 2.30pm in KL (regarding the CMA-MQ-idoc) project. But promised A will send speech to him if cannot make it. Wonder who will do the invo if I cannot make it?

New contract with Mr. D and Manage to get book!

Yesterday went to discuss New project/ contract (CMA-MQ-idoc) with Mr. D. It's a 5 days Oracle PL/SQL data loading project. Look easy. Have to write script to load file to MQ. MQ will update to idoc. Idoc will return message back to MQ and back to CMA (my script).

Great learning oppurtunity!

Manage to download the e-book! Cannot wait to print out all the PDF and read!

20 April 2006


Just visited Borders last Sunday. First time spend 2 hours in a Book Store just by reading a book on a sofa! Should do this often. Found one book, tempted to buy but must wait for sale on 27th this month! Can't wait! Also found the book's seed in bit torrent. Ask R to help download for me. Wonder can get it?

Can use my printer to print all books! Save a lot of money that way.

13 April 2006

TME on 10/4/2006 - Rehearse, upload and download

I am a TME on 10/4/2006, theme title 'Fast and Furious'.

I tied my tounge all the time! I don't feel nervous but I just tied my tounge! I have problem pronouncing, ne-go-tia-tion and op-ti-mis-ti-cal. K said that I did not rehearse well. I have to read my script once to 'upload' and when I am on the lecturn, I should just do a 'auto-download'

Rehearse, upload and download. That's the way to do it!

07 April 2006

Dog days are here!

Oh dear! I have CILA user training on Wednesday! Do not know how many bugs to fix!? I got TM meeting on Monday, where I am the TME. Tommorrow Saturday got Division Contest, want to go and see, but cannot go to work! R and B is having holiday, R in Redang and B in India! Want to call W out for movie, just knew her last week. Nice to talk to. Wonder how she feels about me? Oh! Dog days are here again!

30 March 2006

#5, #6 and beyond...

Did my #5 speech on Monday! Received comments and suggestions:

1. Too Serious. Must learn how to relax. Too tense.

2. Use too much forefinger. The audience may feel hostile. Should open my palm instead.

3. Still a bit nervous. Need more practise.

Gathering data for #6. The speech assignments are getting tougher and tougher! Just read the requreiment for #6 and beyond. I don't really know where to find all the info to do the rest!

24 March 2006

Xiao Wei from Vietnam is coming!

My cousin from Vietnam is coming, finally! It's exciting for me because imagine someone who flow the same blood, have the same root like you finally have a chance to visit you, from a forbidden country like Vietnam. Can't wait to bring her to see Malaysia. To feed her with all the delicious food that I can think of in Malaysia! I am going to feed her with all the food that I can think of, until her mother also cannot recognize her!

Can't wait to do my #5 on Monday!

I cannot wait to do my 5th speech on Monday! I am going to talk about procrastination! How I was procrastinated to join Toastmaster Club, for 13 years! I procrastinate because I analyze my self too much! I always thought my voice is not sweet enough (like Snow White) to attract the audience. I failed to understand actually the audience also like speaker who have other strength like strength to motivate, sense of humour, good facial expression... Monday here I come!

22 March 2006

Grey hair and busy girl

Met up with a girl last week, Friday. A Financial Planner Consultant. Learn a few things from her. If you need to see customer, you need to have minimum of 5 things:

For man: 1.Tie 2.A suit 3.Cologne or deodrant 4.Well-grommed hair and 5. A watch

For woman: 1.A suit 3.perfume 3.Well-grommed hair 4. A watch and 5. Makeup

She learn it from an etiqueque school.

A city-going professionals must have this, must have that...

She call that a city lifestyle. I call that a civilised diease!

Oh! she commented I must dye my grey hair too!

17 March 2006

Contestants of W5 speech contest.

I cannot agree with Lim more. The other contestants from other clubs are more 'calibre' then us! Need to find ways to improve our members. How?

My 1st Contest for the club.

Last Monday I did my first Table Topic Speech for my club in W5 Area contest. I thought I am going to be very nervous when I go on the stage but amazingly I did not have that feeling! The topic is 'I want to win'.
I talk about how when I am in my 20's my seniors (in thier 30's) always comment on what I do after work... I just go home play computers or have 'teh tarik' and 'roti canai' but never useful things to the community! I am such a loser! Only now, when I am in my 30's, I finally realize all this! I start to do this OCA/OCP cert and do more speech for the club! I think I am finally doing something useful in the world!

02 March 2006

The just come back from church feeling!

I did not know that besides improving my communication skills, I can improve my other skills like my knowledge, my personal well-being, etc.
Agree with V from another club, Toastmasters have really makes me want to improve myself, to be a better person than the day before!

The feeling It's better than coming back from a temple or a church!

24 February 2006

Re: How to rename SPFILE to PFILE and vice versa.

Learn something new yesterday on how to edit the parameter file (initsid.ora) in Oracle. If is already in spsid.ora format, do a 'create pfile from spfile', and manually edit the init file, after that to a 'create spfile from pfile'. Check this out at


1 hour flight, 2 hours to dock!

Heard from the radio morning show yesterday. It took one hour for our soon-to-be Malaysian Astronaut to fly for 1 hour from earth to a space station and took another 2 hours the dock(park)! Interesting.....

23 February 2006

Re:PDRM is a friendly place!

I did not know the people in PDRM are all so polite, friendly amd respecful! I just conducted a PLS/SQL class there on Monday and Tuesday. Very enjoyable!

08 February 2006

If you think life is no fairy tales...

If you think life is no fairy tales, go and make your life like a fairy tales. Don't procrastinate! Take Action. Just Do it! Do it Now!

04 February 2006

Cannot go inside.

Away for Chinese New Year break a few days. Back to work since yesterday Friday.
My client call me to go into office on CNY eve. I went there but some how guard does not allow... Have to settle things outside with client.

26 January 2006

SQL statement of the month of JAN/2006

How to find a field with space in between? Use the following SQL statement:

Find nama negeri with Gap or space.

1 select decode(translate(nama_negeri,' ',nama_negeri),
2 nama_negeri, 'not found', 'found') found_or_not, nama_negeri
3 from neg
4 where decode(translate(nama_negeri,' ',nama_negeri),
5* nama_negeri, 'not found', 'found') = 'found'
SQL> /

--------- --------------------
found Luar Negara

25 January 2006

Work and Customers

Z got chicken pox since last week. His organization has been my client since 1997. He want me to run yearly batch job today with S, but when I show up in his office here, S is in clinic and have to wait till lunch time for her to come back.
You want to finish the task that assign to you but is all this hassels, they are interrupting you everyday! How to overcome all this?

24 January 2006

Toastmaster Meeting 23/01/2006

Just attended Toastmaster meeting last nite.

Y.N talked about "buying a house". Notice Y.N. is more confident now when delivering her speech. Her strength is she got a friendly smile and nice voice. I believe she can become a good speaker. But she tend to put too much on her speech, speak too fast and memorise her speech. She should just maintain 3 points, slow down a bit and try to be passion in her speech. She also should put some stories in her speech, like describing how she should stay near her parent house so she can get free meal :) (Late come home, lazy prepare dinner, catch up with Astro TV programs, etc.)
She talk about budgeting also. She can use another item to represent the value of the house, for example: "I need the money of equivalent to buy 6 kancils, that's about $200K to buy a house."
Look forward to her next one.

J did a very dangerous but bold speech. He try to get feedback from the audience, by asking us "Do we believe in God". Bold because his 2nd speech in a foreign club. Dangerous because he may get audience who may like to heckle (try to annoy or embarrass) him, especailly he's talking about sensitive issue about God!

21 January 2006

MAIC** Toastmaster Club level Speech contest

Went to MAIC** Toastmaster Club level Speech contest last Thursday. V is the winner. He's a well-balanced speaker, all the while. He had a freindly voice, smooth gestures and convincing deliverance. Cannot find out his weakness yet. He deserve to be the club's champion.

J* delivered a strong message. I belive she can deliver a message well with her personality. She has a tough and strong personality, and she definitely making use of that, her personality definitely give her the extra punch. Can see her holding her fist while delivering! In my own opinion, one weakness I found from her is she tend to only gestures more to her left.
She is addressing more to the left. I belive she should spread her 'gestures' to the entire room. Her choice of words are a bit technical.

Y* is a down to earth speaker. Just listen to him is like listen to some light-and-easy radio station music. I feel like I am lying on the Sofa all the while listening to Barry Manilow, the Carpenters. Serenading us the whole evening... Need to add some punch if he is want to do a persuasive speech. But still depends on what kind of audience you are addressing. I am not sure if he is delivering to some stubborn people like me, can I be convinced? Maybe stubborn people need to shout into their head to get the message across.

The last girl [ sorry! forgot her name :) ] has a very good sense of humour! I need learn from you on how to smile while giving speeches. You are the kind of person can cheer people up, bring laughter to the world. The one thing are find out about you, your weakness is she put too many stories into the speech. It's great to have stories, but I think is too much for a 5-7 min speech. Perhaps you should just make all the stories more in-depth. More 'Deep'.

17 January 2006

My Grandma is ok now.

Miracle! It's a miracle! My grandma came out from coma, and she's as good as before! Doctor said that she had a very good fighthing spirit! I believe this run in the family.

Unfortunately my auntie, my mom's sis past away on Sunday because of internal bleeding while having her kidney dialysis.

13 January 2006


Visited Grandma yesterday in Assunta Hospital. No good. Breathing very hard. Unconscious and in coma.

After I called her, she begin to breath easier, but she's still waiting to see someone or something before she 'goes'. :(

Who is she waiting?

10 January 2006

Project Speech #4

Just did my speech #4. Got a few feedbacks. My strength is my voice is very commanding and witty. My weakness is I lack 'the punch', no convincing supporting point; and no enthusiam in my speech. Need to work on that more.
A few more points I got is like, always give some positive points, have to raise my voice at the
end of my sentences.

Thank you for all the Toastmasters Mentors who has giving me all these valuable feedback!

07 January 2006

Cannot reduce salary!

I ask H. last nite why he doesn't want to come back to work yet. He told me the boss deduct his salary. The boss told him he cannot pay the same amount because no payment from customers yet.

H will not come back as long as he get the same rate... and the boss is not going to give him the rate... And the project is being delay over and over and over...