31 August 2006

31st Ogos 2006

Hari in hari Kebangsaan negara kita Malaysia!

Setiap kali hari kebangsaan, saya akan mengingati masa kita memenangi Piala Thomas Cup 1992. Tapi tahukan anda, bagaimana pasukan kita menjadi juara pada tahun 1992? Saya rasa semuanya bermula dari tahun 1988, dimana kita dapat mengalahkan Indonesia dalam perlawanan separuh akhir, 3-2!

Walaupun kita tidak dapat menjuarai Piala Thomas 1988, tetapi saya rasa pasukan badminton kita sedikit sebanyak dapat membangunkan perasaan 'ingin menjadi Juara'; tidak lagi tertinggal dalam Dunia Badminton (Masa itu kita sering kalah kepada Cina, Indonesia dan Denmark dalam apa jua perlawanan.) .....

"Untukmu Malaysia yang tercinta! Untukmu Mengorban apa saja! "

Michael is very funny!

Last Monday's meeting we have one guest from MIHRM and he's the most funny speaker we had in the meeting! I hope I can go to his club tommorrow nite and see him in action again. Bravo to Michael! :)

How you can keep a poker face while giving humor?

A lot of people ask me how I can give a poker face while giving 'humor'?

I don't really know! Maybe it's because of my phobia. The scared to go out phobia. It's in my grand aunty in Vietnam, and my own grand mother. Some how I got the gene. And I am not sure how to communicate with a 'human'.

Because of that, somehow my human comm. skill still in some 'infancy' period. Still like a kid, I think. And because kids are sooo honest, and straight forward, and we adults think that is funny, some how I got this humor in me.

I call it a kids humor.

26 August 2006


MK recomended me to use this wmqtool to access the MQ Server, and it works like magic! Good tool!

Attended Indrahana Humor Contest 2006

Last Tuesday attended Indrahana HS&SE contest. I like the champ Dominic. Can't remember the exact title. He talk about how we M'sian should sometimes be a bit rude, if we see another person not behaving correctly.

It's true that I only can remember what he did in the speech, like taking out the handkerchief, taking out the tiger balm, but cannot remember the content.

But from these actions, I can remember the speech and the message. Amazing!

21 August 2006

Had one beer only.

Had one beer last nite. Can sleep like a baby, but when come to morning, I am very tired. Only one beer and I feel tired. What's wrong with me?

Just gave Oracle exception handling training to my own people

Always forget. When there's an error in the 'Declare' section, the error will be propagate to the external procedure.

19 August 2006

Asimov 25 books in zip file

Use ares and found a collection of 25 Asimov books! But still no The Complete Robot. Where to look for it?

17 August 2006

Ideas on Speech #7

Last nite, somehow I have an idea for speech #7. I am going to talk about 'the 3 laws of robotics'. I took my favourite Asimov novel out, 'I, Robot', go thru the short story, 'Runaround' and have a few ideas in my mind already :) I am ready to rock-and-roll again, with my #7! :)

Need to figure out how to make it a speech, instead of a written story, that's a big challenge.

16 August 2006

First time take away in Sri Petaling

Malu betul. Stay in Vista already 3 years but only last nite go take away in Sri Petaling! Some more don't know is pasar malam there!

Talk to D*** and know that a lot of people go crazy when they want food! I don't really understand why we're so crazy for food?

I think is difficult to control urge for food, most of us.


I try to create an exception in the C***Q project, where I want to detect what happen if the network suddenly gone down. I simulate this by unplugging the network cable but some how, the program will no go to the 'exception when others handler' !?

The program is calling a DBLink and whenever it hits a 'commit' or 'rollback', some how it will fail even exception handler will not capture the error.

After a few hours, I found out that I should call another procedure and issue a 'pragma autonomous transaction' to counter DBLink's commit or rollback.

Some how the exception was handled perfectly! :) This is useful especially when we want to write an error log into one of the exception table. example:

some call dblink
pi_err_message := SQLERRM;
po_err_message := SQLERRM;
PROCEDURE pr_cust_exception(pi_err_message IN VARCHAR2) IS
ROLLBACK; -- this rollback will not rollback any main's DML::
I try to create an exception in the C***Q project, where I want to detect what happen if the network suddenly gone down. I simulate this by unplugging the network cable but some how, the program will no go to the 'exception when others handler' !?

The program is calling a DBLink and whenever it hits a 'commit' or 'rollback', some how it will fail even exception handler will not capture the error.

After a few hours, I found out that I should call another procedure and issue a 'pragma autonomous transaction' to counter DBLink's commit or rollback.

Some how the exception was handled perfectly! :) This is useful especially when we want to write an error log into one of the exception table. example:

some call dblink
pi_err_message := SQLERRM;
po_err_message := SQLERRM;
PROCEDURE pr_cust_exception(pi_err_message IN VARCHAR2) IS
ROLLBACK; -- this rollback will not rollback any main's DML::

I finish speech #6

I finish speech #6 last Monday in 6:56 minutes. But pathetic during the meeting because only 11 of us turn up! However I think we have a terrific meeting because a lot of humour able TM during the meeting.

Need more practise on my vocal variety. My evalutor says that I should 'raise' my voice up again, when I want to go from one point to another, just to grab the attention of the audience.

Can't wait for 4th Sept.

08 August 2006

My Speech No 6.

OK. I think my 6 is more funny than 5. I'll use 6 as my contest. I am going to try it out on Next Monday!

My 6 is actually an inspiration of what I did on the table topic contest in March this year, topic is "I want to win..." In the speech I talk about my addiction, Addicted to computer games.

I'll use 'Confession of an addict on the 3rd rock from the Sun." as my speech topic.

I talk about how I become an addict, how I discover I have waste time of becoming one, and how I should quit, etc.

Did not run Startup Migrate

I did not run a catpatch.sql after I upgrade from Oracle to !

When I do a catexp.sql, the database lock some tables. I panic!

Luckily we have a DBA in the house. He found out I forgot to run catpatch and I run it. It works like a charm now...