16 October 2006

Advice from my Dad

After I work for a few years, I remember my dad advice me to find a company which do business which can supply infinite income to my pay cheque; example, A company which can supply basic necessity for mankind. Basic necessity like food, shelter and clothing.

A company that produce rice, sugar, flour etc. is consider a stable company.

But since the 'layoff' hot period during the early 2000, I don't think joining a company, with stable income is a good idea anymore.

I think we need a tool to get income. Just like what Kiyosaki taught us - our brain! Like what he advice us, we should always use our brain power to get money. His book really change my thinking of how we should handle money. Now I understand.

Rich and Poor Dads

Finished reading Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad; which I have to put Nelson Mandela's Long Walk of freedom on hold for a while. Saki's book remind me of Dal's 'hate' email (written in my blog a few days ago.) She's right when she said, as an employee, we're all spending our time and making money for the employer we served. This is what Kiyosaki called a 'RatRace'. In the book, he want us to break away from this cycle of rat race. Offered a few advice.

I like the part When Dal mentioned how one of her colleague, believe that a certifacate is more important then attending workshops. Maybe her colleague think that it is more marketable, if one move to another company.

If you get a certificate, you only get what you learn in a classroom, learn the theories. However, you don't have real life expereince.

If you attended a workshop, you get the instrctor to simulate the problem, right in front of your eyes, probably you will not understand or understand very little; about the theories, at the moment.

Who should an employer hire? Depends on how much the employer know about the knowldge or expertise of the skill involve.

An Employer can access the candidate by hiring another expert in the field to access the knowledge of the candidate. That's what I did once, for free for one of my friend, looking for an Oracle Forms and Reports.

One should look for a interest group that can both share knowledge and experience together. I think Toastmasters is one of such program.

I wish someone one day can form an Oracle Users Group here.

11 October 2006

Mandela and Gandhi

Reading Mandela's autobiography, Long walk to freedom, now.

I really like his usage of English words, I remember the first time I read his writings from the TIME magazine 'Person of the Century" edition, he likes to mix simple and difficult words together ... he wrote something like " constitution and guns " ... something like that.

Can't wait to go back and continue his book. A lot of times about his struggle as a Freedom Fighter, compare to Malcom X autobiography, he's book is 'less hate' sentences or sometimes I don't feel any 'hate' words at all. I see a lot of struggle in his book, and he uses a lot of laymen's term, I think. Easy to understand...

Gandhi inspired him. I quickly go and watch the VCD which I bought since 1999 last Saturday! His story is also very inspiring! How he try to defy the British, The walk to ??? to make salt.
Bapuji Gandhi!

One day I am going to make a speech about them :)

10 October 2006

Top-N, Rank() and Partition

To get Top-N, and rank; Can do this:

SELECT b.ap_prog_code, b.dealer_code, b.no_of_outlets, b.trans_Date,
rank() OVER
PARTITION BY b.ap_prog_code, b.dealer_code
ORDER BY trans_Date DESC
) rank_date
WHERE rank_date = 1

Sifu will not teach ... the decipel will kill the Sifu!

[ Inspired by Dal 'hate mail' to B, B reluctant to help Dal. ]

I had join both Software house (SH) like Unidata and End User (EU) like Motorola before. I had heard stories, opinions from my IT friends about both SB and EU camps, and here are the differences:

SH :
1. Have more pioneer spirits, like to explore New stuff, R&D.
2. More knowledge sharing among the IT staff.
3. Less Ego, because of No. 2 above.
4. Prefer small to medium company.
5. Business not stable, depends on the other industries, need to get projects from EUs, both govt and private.

EU :
1. Stress More on their 'core' business, like Motorola more on thier chips, (now mobile phone), like DiGi, more on the Telco business.
2. IT projects more sub-contract to SH.
3. Small to huge coporation.
4. Business more stable then SH.
5. Less knowledge sharing among IT. I have not find one big company that have the same camadarie as a SH, please let me know if you find one. I am still looking for this Mecca!
6. Bigger Ego, because everyone want's to climb up the coporate ladder. Join big company, Show BIG name in front of others. ("Do you know my son-in-law is an Engineer with DiGi/ Motorola/ Maybank?")
7. This is from number 5 and 6. The more expereince, the longer the person work in IT, the less he wants to share with you, I found out. Unless you are equally experience as the other, like Haro*. Hali* and Fu.

I did a speech about Kitty Genovese a few weeks ago. Her murder case was use as a case study by professors to study human behavior, why we never help anyone even if we know a friend, neighbour very well? What happen to Alturism?

Why we don't like to share our knowledge with others?

Haro*, Hali* and Fu has these kind of thinking: "If I teach you everything, you had learn everything from me, you are better than me, and the boss will promote you, pay you more instead of me..."

Typical Chinese thinking "The Sifu will not teach you everything, if he does, the decipel will kill the Sifu!"

We want to give because we want to be happy. Sharing Knowledge with others is also an act of kindness. We need happiness, and an act of kindness is one of them, (article from StarMag 08/10/2006 FitForLife Page 8.)

That's why I join Toastmasters! :)

07 October 2006

Make Oracle Autostart Database

Use to see my DBA create the Autostart feature for Unix boxes, never do this before. Last few days however I took the courage to do 'Autostart' in my office's HP-UX box. Here's what I did,

1. look for oratab file, which is in /etc/oratab. Modify the file.
2. create a dbora file, which is in the /sbin/init.d/ directory.
3. chmod 755 dbora
4. chgrp dba dbora (change group to DBA)
5. Do a symbolic link: (login as root)
# ln -s /sbin/init.d/dbora /etc/rc0.d/K10dbora
# ln -s /sbin/init.d/dbora /etc/rc3.d/S99dbora

Use www.unixguide.net as a reference for different flavour of Unix.

02 October 2006

Attended a Internet Marketing Interest Group last Friday

Attended a Internet Marketing Interest Group last Friday. I think they do it like a toastmasters club. Joining fee is US$260, and these guys are willing to help you to setup your own website, give advice etc. Still wonder it worthwhile for me to join this group?

Sit down last night and try to figure out what should I do in my life. Write down a few stuff in a paper, and come out with this few things:

Career: My job, Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, etc

Hobbies: Hobby 1, Hobby 2, Hobby 3, etc

Feel like there are a lot of things to learn and do in life!