29 November 2006

No Flower, buy Choc

After tele conversation with PF last Friday nite, feel like want to buy her flowers on Sat...

Went to the same flower shop where I bought my ex-gf flower but the shop close down already! No choice, short of time too, just go back to TW shop and bought her a bar of Choc.

On Saturday, when to see a movie. She really cheer me up! :)

Surprise she call me when I walk into my bedroom that nite! :)

I want us to know each either slowly first, because I feel like we're going too fast!

I wonder if people who is fated together is like that... going so fast!

21 November 2006

Meet PF, Round 2

Met PF again last Sunday. :)

We found out that:

1. she likes to jog in the same place I jog every Sunday 7am.
2. Work in an office just one floor below my first company.
3. Join a Mandarin TM before.
4. Join the same school 20 years ago.

I think our relationship was made in heaven, or she's my long lost twin sister! :)

SQC Workshop

Learn from SQC workshop last Sunday on how to get subsricbers.

1. Emphatize.2. Ask question.3. Resolve.4. Close.

The workshop also teach us how to listen, and I learn a lot from the workshop.

I even do some evaluation on some of the speakers, with TM style! :)

I think I can use what I learn from TM and in TM, I can use what I learned from SQC :)

Speed Dating and PF

Met up with PF in a speed dating 2 weeks ago.

At first I did not recognize her.

She keep on asking questions about my high school, at first, because she was skeptical, trying to figure out if we are from the same class before.

I was annoyed when she keep on asking me about my high school!

Later we all broke into laughter when she mentioned that only after 20 year we met each other again!

10 November 2006

I am the TME on Monday 13/11/2006

The theme for coming TM meeting is "Let's make it Big." The theme made makes my hands very itchy because I want to 'make it Big' - make big money! I want to gamble and make big money!

I think giving a speech on stage is like gambling too. We will not know what is the reaction of your audience, wheather they will like your speech or not. But at least we are not loosing any money, when we gamble on stage! :)

In toastmasters, we are all winners! Think of the valuable feedback we will get! It's priceless!

06 November 2006

I am proud of my Parents!

They have proved them wrong!

My parents join a choir about a year ago. The turnout for the choir training very bad, every week. The chairman wanted to abandon the choir long time ago.

But my parents and the rest of the members presist that the choir must go on! They manage recruit a lot of new members at the end; about 40, and they did a fantastic performance last Saturday!

From their singing, I can here they had been trained well by the teacher. They sang from the stomach, not from the troat!

I am proud of my parents! Bravo to them! :)

01 November 2006

Another 20-30 pages to Freedom

Got to finish the book, a long walk to freedom by Mandela; since I have some free time.

Nice book, even got a lot of sense of humour, etc.