11 May 2007

After 1B - Magic Games, Paradigm Shift and Being Fat

After 1B I found something weird happened to me! I found out that I become very fat(oh)!

I try to use what ever I learn from 1B like playing magic card games (tought by P*Yoh) and cutting paper games to reduce my weight, but somehow it's not sternous enough lah... Cannot cut down weights.

Then I use the Magic number game (with my weight and a few other numbers) and I found out something interesting! I tried the xy-x-y method and this is what I found out:

75-7-5 = 63 = 6+3 = 9



I always get 9, what ever number I use! I try to figure out where I see the 9 before, very familiar lah somewhere... THEN I found out that it's from the Happy Chart! If someone use the calculation, she will always get the number 9! The most extreme one:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Slim-----------------------Super Duper Fat

The participants will always get No. 9! The Super Duper Fat!

Imagine how dangerous this method if it falls to the wrong hand! Remember the Scratch and Win Scam We had a few years ago in M'sia?

1. Scratch 1 star - get an Iron
2. Scratch 2 star - get a TV
3. Scratch 3 star - get a Car but need to pay $5,000 first!

And the scammers always want you to get the 3 stars! Hope it doesn't falls into the wrong hand lah!

Hey! Suddenly I found out myself that, instead of complaining of being FAT, I just had a paradigm shift to enjoying all the magic games! Wow!

After 1B, this is what I learned:

1. Magic Games
2. Paradigm Shift
3. Don't eat so much during breaks!

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