24 February 2006

Re: How to rename SPFILE to PFILE and vice versa.

Learn something new yesterday on how to edit the parameter file (initsid.ora) in Oracle. If is already in spsid.ora format, do a 'create pfile from spfile', and manually edit the init file, after that to a 'create spfile from pfile'. Check this out at


1 hour flight, 2 hours to dock!

Heard from the radio morning show yesterday. It took one hour for our soon-to-be Malaysian Astronaut to fly for 1 hour from earth to a space station and took another 2 hours the dock(park)! Interesting.....

23 February 2006

Re:PDRM is a friendly place!

I did not know the people in PDRM are all so polite, friendly amd respecful! I just conducted a PLS/SQL class there on Monday and Tuesday. Very enjoyable!

08 February 2006

If you think life is no fairy tales...

If you think life is no fairy tales, go and make your life like a fairy tales. Don't procrastinate! Take Action. Just Do it! Do it Now!

04 February 2006

Cannot go inside.

Away for Chinese New Year break a few days. Back to work since yesterday Friday.
My client call me to go into office on CNY eve. I went there but some how guard does not allow... Have to settle things outside with client.