26 March 2007

Why you want to go?

"Why do you want to go there?" When I tell people, I want to climb Mt. Kinabalu, I have friends asking me this question. Since the first time I went camping back in 1991 in Taman Cahaya Sri Alam in Shah Alam, my parents already asking me the same question, with addtional questions
like, "Any snakes there?" "What if you are injured?" "Don't you feel uneasy/ uncomfortable facing all the unknown?"

It is tough, because I need to shape up myself before every trip.
It is very uncomfortable, because of the sweat, rain, leeches, sore toes.
It is always unknown to me, what lay ahead.

Wasn't Life like that? We always feel uneasy, uncomfortable, uncertainty, etc. to try out new
things, adventures.

I think I do it because it's good for the mind and soul; to face the unknown.

Be brave. Need to be brave. I am training to be brave to face the unknown, either in life or just a simple trip to a jungle.

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