20 June 2007

Eyeballs and Dog Sense

Called Pris from SCTMC.
Pris: Yeah! I would really like to come to your club, as an evaluator, but currently my work is really up to my eyeballs!

Me: Well, you still have your eye brows, forehead, and some hair left. Not that bad!
Pris: Wow! You are an IT Consultant! You must be very intelligent!

Me: Not really. You need to have a lot of common sense.

Pris: Well, I bet I can't become one because I don't have these senses! I only got cow sense.

Me: You don't need cow sense! All you need to have are orang utan sense, camel sense, and panda sense to become a good programmer.

1 comment:

Angie Siew said...

Well said haha